Workplace Harassment: An Unacceptable Situation
You might notice that this email looks a lot different to the other emails we have sent you before. This is because we are trying to highlight the difficult but crucial issue of workplace harassment, without normalising it.Academia often has steep hierarchies with a dependency on a single person for funding, project completion, and crucial recommendations. These are the right environment for workplace harassment. We do not mean to imply that the PI is the harasser in all cases, or even the majority of cases, but rather acknowledge the fact that there is a unique set of social dependencies as rules in academia that can allow power abuse to fester and go unaddressed.
Though harassment has happened to previous generations and happens at many institutes, that is no excuse to minimize its impact on researchers' lives; nor normalize its presence in labs, or oversimplify it behind a #phdlife. Harassment does not always have a clear origin in a conflict and a harasser can be motivated by many reasons. However, incidents of bullying or harassment in Academia are too common, as one third of academics report they have been bullied in the past year and around 40% say they have witnessed it. This is three times higher than in general work place. That’s why we need to talk about it.